An imperial-age urban settlement complete with Domus, Theatre, Baths, Tabernae and splendid examples of figurative mosaics.
Baroque Rome
Bernini, Borromini and Caravaggio
Walk in the center of Rome in search of the masterpieces of the three great artists of the 1600s.
From the Fountain of the Four Rivers in Sant'Ivo alla Sapienza, up to San Luigi de' Francesi: an art journey in which sculpture, architecture and painting show the face of 17th-century Rome.
There are no entrance fees.
The residences of the Renaissance
A sixteenth-century residence commissioned by Pope Julius II's banker and frescoed by the young Raphael and his workshop.
The self-celebration of the rich owner is revealed in each carefully decorated room, such as the famous vault of Cupid and Psyche in which nature and mythology blend perfectly.
Paid entrance. Reduced for Schools.
the Rome of the Renaissance
Paul outside the walls and St. Paul went to the three fountains
Not far from the city centre, the only Cistercian abbey in the city is hidden in an oasis of peace, famous among the Romans for the chocolate made by the Trappist monks.
The places where the Apostle of the Gentiles was imprisoned and killed are venerated nearby. At the end, visit the nearby Basilica of San Paolo, his burial place.
There are no entrance tickets.
Santa Maria Maggiore and the Esquiline Basilicas
Visit to three magnificent churches that mark the first stages of Christian art, through the rare examples of the apse mosaics of Santa Pudenziana and Santa Prassede.
In the latter, the only example of Byzantine art in Rome preserved in the magnificent Sacello di San Zenone.
There are no entrance tickets.
Colosseum, Imperial Forums and Palatine HillA journey back 2000 years to rediscover the origins of an Empire. Walk in the heart of Imperial Rome with access to the inside of the symbolic monument of the city, where every stone still speaks of fights and fierce duels.
Entrance fee. Free for schools.
Reservation for groups over 14 participants.